Take a ripe avocado mash it with one egg, and then apply this home
remedy on your wet hair. Avocado contains vitamins, fatty acids and minerals
that will help restore luster to your hair. Leave on for at least 20 minutes,
and then rinse them several times. Repeat this procedure once a week for
damaged hair and once a month of healthy hair.
Treat your hair with butter, with a small amount of butter for a
glossy shine. Massage it into your dry hair, and then cover your hair with a
shower cap for about a half hour. Shampoo as accustomed, and clean all the
butter out with water. If you want to get moisture back in your hair warm ½ cup
olive oil, and then rubbing it into your hair. Cover tresses with a plastic
bag, and then wrap everything in a towel. Let this for 45 minutes, then shampoo
and, then completely rinse. Tea is commonly known as sore throat remedy, but
you can also use as for natural shine for your hairs. Use a quart of warm,
without sugar tea freshly brewed as a final rinse after your regular shampoo.
Tea helps in improving hair color, so make persuaded to use a tea that works
with your hair color. Some people use black tea to enhance shine and enrich
After swim, protect your hair from
harsh elements or chemical with a home-made rinse of ¼ cup of apple cider mixed
with ¾ cup water to help cleanse hair.
Putt your life back into your limp or damaged
hair with this terrific home remedy, apply apple cider vinegar with two
table-spoons olive oil and 3 egg whites, then rub this mixture into your hair.
Keep your hair covered for about a half hour using plastic wrap or shower cap,
shampoo then rinse. Mix egg with such a small amount of shampoo, then apply to
your damaged hair for five minutes and rinse well. We can say it “shampoo omelet”.
Blend a small number of drops of
sandalwood oil and little drops of olive oil or jojoba oil, firstly rub it between
your palms, and then smooth it through the ends of your hair for instant
sleekness and a way to curb and condition brittle, flyaway hair. these remedies are best for our hair care otherwise we have a lot of trouble in doing hair transplants in short age.
Visit Satyam Hair Transplant Centre and get the finest Hair Transplant in Punjabfrom our proficient team of surgeons. Click on the link for more details.