Everyone wants a suitable partner for themselves, but sometimes he/she does not get Ms. right or Mr. right.  You do not know when and how to meet your life partner.  But marriage is a bliss that combines a important relationship of a male and a female for natural accomplishment. Today’s Extra Martial Relationships issue is extremely common in our life. They are lot of people which are affected these type of troubles. They are various reasons behind to develop the extra martial relationship. Like no more interest will happened mismatch of intimate need between you and your partner or maybe your feel happy and you stay away from your wife.

In case of those relations who are based on mutual belief, love & addiction on physical and mental need suffers most if any one breaks.  Marriage or affection in relations are top on the list which gets affected due to this breaks. Different people react in a different way to extra marital affairs. Some persons are looking for personal reassurance that they are still desirable, others want to kill boredom or release stress, get even with their partner or simply look into outside their married life. You have to need to know why your marriage suffers from terrible stage. It is not at all like, they are a lot of existence clashes between couples, but it is not right way, partner will engage in extra martial relations with another person.  But it is a time when life tests your hardest time and seen how you are face or handle difficult situations. Whenever these types of problems arise in your life then take the advice from pro Priya Gumber ji, astrologer in Ludhiana. She will check your planets and horoscopes and easily tackle your relationship issue or provides a right way to solve their problems.
Take a ripe avocado mash it with one egg, and then apply this home remedy on your wet hair. Avocado contains vitamins, fatty acids and minerals that will help restore luster to your hair. Leave on for at least 20 minutes, and then rinse them several times. Repeat this procedure once a week for damaged hair and once a month of healthy hair.

Treat your hair with butter, with a small amount of butter for a glossy shine. Massage it into your dry hair, and then cover your hair with a shower cap for about a half hour. Shampoo as accustomed, and clean all the butter out with water. If you want to get moisture back in your hair warm ½ cup olive oil, and then rubbing it into your hair. Cover tresses with a plastic bag, and then wrap everything in a towel. Let this for 45 minutes, then shampoo and, then completely rinse. Tea is commonly known as sore throat remedy, but you can also use as for natural shine for your hairs. Use a quart of warm, without sugar tea freshly brewed as a final rinse after your regular shampoo. Tea helps in improving hair color, so make persuaded to use a tea that works with your hair color. Some people use black tea to enhance shine and enrich color. 
After swim, protect your hair from harsh elements or chemical with a home-made rinse of ¼ cup of apple cider mixed with ¾ cup water to help cleanse hair.
Putt your life back into your limp or damaged hair with this terrific home remedy, apply apple cider vinegar with two table-spoons olive oil and 3 egg whites, then rub this mixture into your hair. Keep your hair covered for about a half hour using plastic wrap or shower cap, shampoo then rinse. Mix egg with such a small amount of shampoo, then apply to your damaged hair for five minutes and rinse well. We can say it “shampoo omelet”.

Blend a small number of drops of sandalwood oil and little drops of olive oil or jojoba oil, firstly rub it between your palms, and then smooth it through the ends of your hair for instant sleekness and a way to curb and condition brittle, flyaway hair. these remedies are best for our hair care otherwise we have a lot of trouble in doing hair transplants in short age.
Qigong is a form from which tai chi originates, this discipline is a Chinese martial art has numerous health benefits and helps to get longevity. Its specific forms are practised with relatively slow motions with gentle movements of hands and other forms include martial poses. It is about putting your internal power to bring balance of mind and body and keep clarity spiritually. Further, with the help of meditation, focus is cultivated and thus energy flows through the body which empowers to maintain optimum health and as martial art it is a self defence. Gentle flowing movements of exercise are accompanied by breathing inhale and exhale practices. For more information visit: Chinese art of healing with qi gong

Biokinesis technique of brain power lets us have the ability to change eye color as blue, brown, hazel green etc, hair color, skin color or even shape your appearance. Like telekinesis, it wants your meditation time which allows us to control our thoughts and calm our mind away from the complicated surroundings. It works to make changes into your underlying DNA and chromosomes but all it requires your dedication as well as regular practice for unto 6 months for complete change. The practice involves subliminal images or audio such as sounds of piano, flowing water and soothing music to manifest the transformation. Belief is the key to achieve the expected results. And these self hypnosis examples really work. Thus the meditation can control our creation just like our personality.
Practice to change eye color to green:

People with psychic powers have the ability to move objects for an instance bending spoons. Learning this technique requires concentration and practice for everyday. Believing and visualizing are the other keys. This all come by meditation for 15 to 30 minutes to clear your mind. First exercise is to test your patience of focusing on an object, manifestation of changing its movement or shape and try.
Another exercise is to warm up by rubbing your hand palms to make the energy field and endeavor to form a ball while concentrating on this feeling. You may use psi-wheel, pen or candle to practice by clearing your mind and connecting with the object with energy waves flowing from your brain.

 Aura is the colorful oval shaped energetic field around the body which radiated different colors from 6 to 18 inches outside the physical body. Regular practising yoga, meditation to balance or cleanse chakras or centers, thoughts as self love, happiness reflects positive vibes and increases consciousness activity. Each color of aura has its own significance and meaning with interesting facts. There are many exercising for brain to begin seeing the aura such as gazing at a black spot on white background for 30 to 60 seconds with no strain or rubbing palms together generates energy between the hands. These practices help to strengthen your intuitive abilities. People who can see auras around people can heal bodies by manipulating energy fields. Feel refresh, get proper sleep, meditate, eat balanced diet, stay positive, spend time with children or pets to feel blissful and loved, do daily exercise for flexibility.

Achieve balance within yourself ahead of you bring balance to the world with new and clear vision. And it is believed to drink onion and banana juice as it helps to purify the 7 chakras or centers that go up the body. Each chakra is blocked by some kind of emotion and opening them is like intense experience.
Earth/Root chakra at the base of the spine is deal with the survival, so it controls health and prosperity and is blocked by fear. So the first step is to let your fears flow down the creak.
Water/Sacral chakra is responsible for pleasure blocked by guilt so learn to forgive yourself to have positive influence on the world.
Fire/ Power chakra located in the stomach above the naval region deals with willpower blocked by what you are ashamed of. Deny this part of life. You need to accept and love all aspects of who you are, even your mistakes because you are the avatar.
Heart/Air chakra is located at the heart or at the center of the chest deal with love and compassion blocked by grief, anger, jealousy, fears of betrayal, and loneliness. Release all your sadness and loss but love is the form of energy which is still inside of your heart. Let the pain flow away.
Sound/throat chakra in throat deal with truth and is blocked by lies. Release all self rejection and the lies you tell yourself or own nature.
Light/The Third Eye Chakra in center of forehead deals with insight or understanding and is blocked by illusion of separation. We are all one and the same people since we all are connected in fact every element is connected.
Crown/Thought chakra is located at the crown of the head deals with pure positive energy and is blocked by the earthly attachment. Remember, learn to let them go and surrender yourself. It helps to have absolute power over your feelings and deeds. Now you are able to connect your perfect or higher self through the very consciousness.
Mantras to open respective chakras are as “LAM”- chakra 1, “VAM”- chakra 2, “RAM”- chakra 3, “YAM”- chakra 4, “HAM”- chakra 5 and “OM”- chakra 6 and chakra 7.

Meditation is a portal to discover ourselves as a spiritual being(real home) living in a physical body and feel the actual rejuvenation and keep mind serene by feeling away from this hectic world and this is called disconnect with 3 dimensional consciousness to enlighten yourself with heaven’s light(light of God).This method lets energy flows in the 7 energy centres in our body Contact with the spiritual world requires our subconscious state of mind. It is said that people with kind thoughts and good deeds can make contact with their guardian angels or deceased loved ones easily and this come under positive spiritual influences.
Mediation spread frequencies through sub-planes ranging from lower to higher vibration of fourth dimension with love at top frequency and fear at base as:
Causal/Spiritual Plane: abstract thought and the Higher Human form
Mental Plane: concrete thought and lower mind
Astral/Emotional Plane: emotions
Kingdom of Faerie: imagination, rest and recreation
Lower Astral Plane: fear and negative emotions
Etheric Plane: interface between third and fourth dimensions
It is also believed that people with continuous practice can be able to see and hear what others cannot. But it requires proper guidance as it may be disturbing for them. 4 dimensions is quite real not an imaginative world and our mirror higher bodies are alive in the fourth dimension as you must have heard about time travel in science. All this is possible because of our latent power in mind to perceive and navigate through this dimension.And meditation aids our consciousness and awareness of the higher dimensions . Our feeling like love in which we feel blissful has the ability to raise high states of consciousness leads to high frequency.The fourth dimension environment is  the less dense one since there is less matter hence faster vibrations.Inner love is so important to make things real as we heard about in law of attraction concept. In the same way, we can see aura of colors around the physical body and other life forms. Finally, as holy books say 5th dimension is the doorway to heaven, the magical world where we have luminous light bodies and miracles happens for example there are true stories like miracles from heaven, heaven is for real shows this where remission occurs.